The influence of the moon on agricultural practices is an ancient belief passed down through generations. Among these practices, one of the most prominent is harvesting during the waning crescent moon phase. But why is this lunar phase considered ideal for harvesting? In this article, we will explore both the traditions surrounding this practice and the scientific studies that support its importance.
Tradition and Agriculture

For centuries, farmers around the world have observed the phases of the moon to guide their agricultural activities. The waning crescent moon, in particular, has been considered a propitious phase for harvesting crops, especially those intended for long-term storage, such as yerba mate. Popular belief holds that the sap of plants descends during this lunar phase, making crops less prone to decomposition and pests.
In the case of yerba mate, tradition suggests that harvesting during the waning crescent moon improves the flavor and durability of the final product. This practice has been followed by generations of yerba mate producers, who have observed its benefits over time.
Scientific Evidence
While popular beliefs are influential, it is essential to support them with scientific evidence. Various studies have investigated the relationship between lunar phases and plant growth, and some of these works offer interesting insights into how the moon may influence agriculture.
For example, a study published in the Journal of Agricultural Science analyzed how lunar phases affect the germination and growth of plants. This study found that seeds germinated during the waning moon phase tended to develop more robust roots and shoots compared to other lunar phases (Silva et al., 2021). This research suggests that the waning crescent moon phase could be associated with more efficient water absorption, positively influencing the initial development of plants.
Additionally, it has been proposed that during the waning crescent moon phase, the decrease in lunar gravitational attraction could reduce the amount of water and sap in the aerial parts of plants. This could result in lower moisture levels in leaves and stems, making the plants less attractive to pests and diseases and facilitating their post-harvest preservation. Although this aspect requires further research, it suggests a possible advantage of harvesting during this lunar phase.
Another study reviewed in the International Journal of Biodynamics found that harvests carried out during the waning crescent moon tended to show better conservation quality, especially in crops intended for long-term storage, such as grains and legumes (Sivasankar & Thimmaiah, 2021). This study supports the idea that lunar phases may influence the quality and durability of crops after harvest, which could provide a scientific basis for some traditional agricultural practices.
Although these studies are not conclusive for all plant species, they provide evidence suggesting that some traditional practices, such as harvesting during the waning crescent moon, may have a scientific foundation. However, further research is needed to better understand how lunar phases affect the growth and development of different crops.
Benefits for Yerba Mate Production
In the context of yerba mate, harvesting during the waning crescent moon not only has a positive impact on product preservation but can also enhance its flavor and aroma. Producers who follow this practice often notice that yerba mate leaves harvested during this lunar phase have a lower moisture content, which favors more uniform drying and controlled fermentation.
Additionally, the reduced sap content in the leaves decreases the likelihood of rapid deterioration, which is crucial for maintaining product quality from harvest to consumer.
Should You Harvest During the Waning Crescent Moon?
Otro estudio revisado en la International Journal of Biodynamics encontró que las cosechas realizadas durante la luna cuarto menguante tendían a mostrar una mejor calidad de conservación, especialmente en cultivos destinados al almacenamiento a largo plazo, como granos y legumbres (Sivasankar & Thimmaiah, 2021). Este estudio apoya la idea de que las fases lunares pueden influir en la calidad y durabilidad de los cultivos después de la cosecha, lo que podría ser una base científica para algunas de las prácticas agrícolas tradicionales.
Aunque estos estudios no son concluyentes para todas las especies vegetales, proporcionan evidencia que sugiere que algunas prácticas tradicionales, como la cosecha durante la luna cuarto menguante, pueden tener un fundamento científico. Sin embargo, es necesario continuar investigando para comprender mejor cómo las fases lunares afectan el crecimiento y desarrollo de diferentes cultivos.
Beneficios para la Producción de Yerba Mate
En el contexto de la yerba mate, cosechar durante la luna cuarto menguante no solo tiene un impacto positivo en la conservación del producto, sino que también puede mejorar su sabor y aroma. Los productores que siguen esta práctica suelen notar que las hojas de yerba mate cosechadas en esta fase lunar tienen un contenido de humedad más bajo, lo que favorece un secado más uniforme y una fermentación controlada.
Además, la menor cantidad de savia en las hojas reduce la posibilidad de que estas se deterioren rápidamente, lo que es crucial para mantener la calidad del producto desde la cosecha hasta su llegada al consumidor.
¿Se debe cosechar en Luna Cuarto Menguante?

Despite the lack of scientific consensus, many farmers continue to harvest during the waning crescent moon, relying on popular wisdom and empirical observation.
Moreover, this practice can be complemented with other science-based agricultural methods, such as proper soil management and the use of plant varieties adapted to your region. Yerba Mate Oñoirũ, for example, is cultivated following agroecological practices that respect both tradition and scientific innovation, ensuring sustainable and high-quality production.
Conclusion: Myth or Reality?
The idea that harvesting yerba mate during the waning crescent moon improves crop yields remains a debated topic. While some studies suggest potential benefits, the scientific evidence as a whole is not conclusive. However, if this practice has been part of your agricultural tradition and you have observed positive results, there is no reason to abandon it. In the end, the combination of ancestral wisdom and modern agricultural practices may be the key to successful and sustainable farming.