Frequently Asked Questions
We answer the most frequently asked questions we receive.
Who makes Oñoirũ yerba mate?
Oñoirũ yerba mate is produced by members of the Asociación de la Agricultura Agroecológica del Paraguay Oñoirũ.
Where are you located?
The Oñoirũ plant is located in the districts of Edelira and Itapúa Poty, Km 47.5, Dpto. de Itapúa, Paraguay.
What does it taste like?
The exquisite and long-lasting flavor, with its coarse grind, is slightly smoky with hints of native spices.
How is it consumed?
It can be consumed as mate, tereré, cocido, or tea.
Is the yerba flavored?
It contains no flavoring or coloring additives; its natural flavor is that of authentic Ilex Paraguariensis.
What are its benefits?
- 100% organic, free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
- No artificial colorings, flavorings, or additives.
- Gluten-free, avoiding acidity, gastritis, and stomach ulcers.
- A powerful antioxidant.
- Increases concentration.
- Improves resistance to fatigue.
What does organic mean?
Organic farming cultivates the land by caring for various forms of life, forests, soil, and water, avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as well as genetically modified seeds. An organic product is one that has been produced using ecological practices to maintain a sustainable agricultural system and produce safe and nutritious food.
What does harvesting during the waning quarter moon mean?
When the lunar cycle reaches the waning quarter phase, it is the ideal time for harvesting yerba mate, as it allows for a healthy cut due to the sap descending to the roots, concentrating all its energy for proper development.
Yerba Drying Process
- Harvesting and Harvested Material: Harvesting is done manually, avoiding contamination of the product with foreign elements. The presence of flowers and fruits is minimized.
- Handling of Harvested Material: Transport to the drying facility is expedited, avoiding exposure to the sun and moisture.
- Transportation: New ponchos are used in adapted vehicles, complying with safety and hygiene standards. Direct exposure to the sun and air is avoided.
- Processing: Processing should begin within 24 hours of harvest to avoid fermentation.
- Sapecado: Rapid exposure to fire for 20 to 30 seconds to stop the degradation of plant tissues.
- Drying: Reducing moisture content to 5-6%, turning 100 kg of green leaf into 38-40 kg of dry yerba.
- Canchado: Coarse crushing of the yerba to facilitate storage and transportation.
- Aging and Maturation: The yerba is aged for a minimum of nine months, developing its maximum aroma and flavor.
- Grinding: The yerba mate goes through different sieving and grinding processes to obtain the final product.
Where is it sold?
Contact us for a list of sales points by zone.
Do you offer delivery?
No, but we ship from the processing plant to any location in the country.
How much does it cost?
Depending on the distribution area. The average price is 15,000 G. (two dollars) per ½ kilo package.
Where do you import and export?
We export to the U.S., Russia, Mexico, France, Chile and many other countries.
Can you export to other countries upon request?
Yes, we have international certification for the EU, NOP, and USDA markets.
How can I get your yerba for my business?
Contact us through social media or the contact numbers provided.